Greek Yogurt layered with rhubarb compote and toasted pecans. 1/2 gallon cow milk 1 Tbsp. yogurt Choose your milk: it must be animal milk (someone else will have to figure out vegan yogurt) and it must NOT be Ultra-pasteurized (so no Organic Valley.) I used Clover Organic Whole Milk. Choose your yogurt: it needs to say “live active cultures” because that’s what will magic your milk into yogurt. It should, naturally, be plain yogurt. I used Greek Gods full fat traditional plain yogurt. This has pectin in it, which didn’t seem to cause any problems despite dire warnings on the internet that you should use yogurt that contains only milk and cultures. That’s the internet for you. Choose your weapons: I used the non-stick inner pot. There was, ultimately, still a little sticking but no scorching. I also used the glass lid from my fry pan, which happens to fit my Instant Pot. That’s because Laura Doyle said her yogurt picked up the smell from the rubber seal of the metal lid...
Julie Cross Cooks - Cook, food writer, random question answerer, maybe a little bossy